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Farmer's Market Review: Liberty Village & Pumpkin Loaf Recipe

The summer is slowly coming come to an end in the T. Dot (Toronto), but I'm not fretting the cold (yet). Because as I was meandering through the city on a c
Sep 28, 2010 | Joy McCarthy

The summer is slowly coming come to an end in the T. Dot (Toronto), but I'm not fretting the cold (yet). Because as I was meandering through the city on a crisp Sunday I was only wearing a light sweater and t-shirt, not bad for almost October right? And... more importantly, the Fall colours on the trees are just starting to come out and they will be outstandingly beautiful (yet another reason not to fret the Fall).

I did have one particular mission on Sunday though (despite my non-chalant meandering), to visit )

Eat Well Feel Well. The first class starts next week and have a few spots left! Register right away by emailing joy@joyoushealthca.

Sep 28, 2010 BY Joy McCarthy
VeggieGirl   •   September 28, 2010

Great vegetable information and market review! I need to get back to Canada.


Gillian   •   September 29, 2010

I'm so glad to learn about this, thanks Joy! I'm right by St.Lawrence market and am always so sad that there closed on Sundays- but now I know where to go :)

joyousness   •   September 29, 2010

Angela Peters   •   September 29, 2010

All that produce looks so delish! I would've been banging down your door if I lived in your building :)


Dorothy   •   September 29, 2010

The Liberty Village Market sounds great. However, I don't live in the T.Dot area. Will you be visiting any farmers' markets to review anywhere else in Ontario?

joyousness   •   September 29, 2010

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