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Your Favourite Articles of 2017

Here are the most popular health articles from 2018 on joyous health!
Dec 31, 2017 | Joy McCarthy

Happy 2018 everyone!

I hope you've had a chance to check out my most popular recipes of 2017. My blog is about more than just food, even though recipes are super enjoyable for me to create, I also LOVE researching, writing and sharing with you guys! In this post, I've gathered the most popular health articles from 2017.

From the worst foods for eczema to the reasons I don't wear perfume and 10 natural solutions for sleep, I hope you find these articles informative and inspirational. 

Your Favourite Articles of 2017

1. 7 Common Foods That Make Eczema Worse

I've worked with hundreds of clients over the years from infants to adults that have suffered with eczema, which is why I'm not overly surprised to see that this post was the most popular article of 2017. So many people suffer from eczema nowadays which is a result of many factors from their lifestyle, to the skin and beauty care products people are exposed to and most especially, diet. I go in greath depth to explain this in my Eczema Healing Guide which is a comprehensive guide to help you heal from eczema naturally. You can read more here to learn more about the 7 Common Foods That Make Eczema Worse.


2. 5 Reasons I Don't Wear Perfume


I think some people are surprised to hear me say I don't wear perfume because wearing perfume is such a no-brainer for most women. I wore it for years before I became a Holistic Nutritionist and learned that there can be over 3000 chemicals hiding in a perfume's signature scent! If you're one to get headaches from inhaling people's perfume or cologne, this article will help you to understand why. Needless to say, please don't wear perfume or use fragrance if you really don't have to (i.e. save it for a special occasion like a wedding or make your own DIY perfume!)

3. Prebiotics VS Probiotics

Most people know what PRObiotics are, but PREbiotics – what the heck are those?! That's what I broke down for you in this post! With all of the excitement over gut health, there is a lot of growing research on the importance of incorporating prebiotic and probiotic rich foods or supplements into your diet. If you're curious as to how you can get more of both of these in your diet,this is the post for you! 

4. What 20 Awesome Women Do For Self-Care

Earlier this year for Valentine's Day, instead of putting out a V-Day gift guide or a new chocolate recipe (because I already have the best one here), I asked 20 awesome women what they do to show love for themselves in the form of self-care. It was SO inspiring to read everyone's responses and I definitely felt inspired to up my self-care routine after putting this together. I hope it will do the same for you! Read more.

5. 10 Natural Solutions For Sleep

If you're not getting enough sleep, you're most likely going to suffer from the short-term or long-term consequences such as reduced concentration, increased lethargy and increased inflammation in the body. I actually initially started writing this post when Vienna was born (she's now just over 2 and sleeping like a champ, for the most part!) and I was most definitely not feeling joyous about how little sleep I was getting! So I wanted to educate others on how important sleep is for our overall health and how we can get better sleep naturally without popping over-the-counter sleeping pills or melatonin every night. These tips are simple and easy to implement into your sleep routine! Read more.

If there's a particular topic you're interested in learning about, post it in the comments!

Happy New Year friends!

Dec 31, 2017 BY Joy McCarthy
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